Friday, June 26, 2009

And then it Hailed

Just when we thought things couldn't get worse for our poor flowers, we had ourselves a little storm. Except that it wasn't little at all! Tyson and I were sitting on our computers and heard the rain. So we were watching the rain...and then the hail came...then the nickel-sized hail came. Holy cow! I was just glad we went right home after running our errands. That was quite the storm.
Here are a couple of videos we recorded today. The first is during the storm and how crazy it was outside our front door. The second is what everything looked like after the storm stopped.

Pictures During the Storm

Our back porch

The back yard
It looked like winter!
Tyson was a hero and saved our pot in the back yard.
It was a little painful, but he saved it!

A waterfall

So much water!

The river running in front of our house

More of the river
Pictures After the Storm
Tyson checking out all the flower damage

That hail just ripped the snap pods apart. Sad!

Tyson holding a pile of the hail

This is what was coming down our drain pipes. It was so crazy!

Our pots just got destroyed. So much destruction!

I guess our flowers were nice while they lasted. And hopefully they snap out of it a little bit. But it was hard watching the weather come down on them so hard today. It was a little too late by the time we pulled them to shelter. Poor things.
If you experienced this crazy storm, I hope your plants survived!


Brad said...

Haha that looks crazy! Ironically we had hail today here in New Mexico too, nothing like that but one of those fast storms that comes out of nowhere.

Judy said...

It was crazy. Stacy drove home from Rexburg in it!

Unknown said...

Some crazy pictures you took! I'm sure it was sad to see your plants get murdered right in front of you.

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