Tuesday, October 6, 2009


This is about how I felt in the testing center today. I had two tests (business and media planning) that I studied for like crazy the last couple of days. We received study guides for both so I was feeling pretty confident.

I decided to take the business test first because I felt like I knew the information a little better. But when I opened the test booklet I realized I didn't recognize some of the information in the questions. I got really nervous as I started flipping through the pages realizing I didn't know a lot of the questions. At first I thought I was given the wrong test. So I looked at the front of the booklet, only to find that it was the right test. And I was in trouble. I struggled through almost the entire thing, guessing the answers that seemed to fit the questions the best. What a disaster. A lot of the details from the test weren't on the study guide. I felt like a complete failure.

And that I was! I completely failed that test. I won't even tell you the exact percentage. And the media planning test grade was frustrating as well. A lovely D+. I don't think I've ever scored that low on a communication test before. Needless to say I'm not having the best day ever on campus. At this point I'm worried for my business grade. I NEED to graduate in December so I can't fail any of my classes. But this test grade was horrible. I just hope it doesn't do too much damage to my overall grade or I'm in trouble.

Please tell me there is light at the end of the tunnel! Has anybody else ever completely bombed a test but turned out ok in the class? I have to get a C- in all of my classes to graduate. And right now I'm just feeling sick to my stomach knowing that I did so bad on my first test in that class. I could really use a diet pepsi, a Reese's peanut butter cup, and a hug right now.

image via commiechink.com


Unknown said...
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Joanie said...

I got a D or C on my first Microbiology test and I ended up passing. Not only did I pass, I got a B and I went back the next year to be an undergraduated aid for the class. It can be done. You will learn how to study for the tests and you'll do better next time.

And I have some Reeses and a hug that I can bring right over. I'll have to pick up a Diet Pepsi, though I'm sure you have one if you are home :)

The Duckers said...

I used to get F's all the time on tests because I flat out wouldn't study! The lowest grade I ever got was a C in all the classes I took. I guess it depends on how your tests calculate into your grade.
I DO hate that frustrating feeling going through a test not having a clue as to what you're answering. I'm so sorry. It makes all that time you spent studying feel like wasted time.
Here's to a better day! Oh, and here's a ((((((BIG 'OL HUG))))))))

MeganandClaudy said...

i got a 42% on my biology final and still got a b in the class. You'll be ok!

Ashley said...

Oh Alli, I hear your pain...school can be so frustrating. Especially when your wondering "where did this come from? Did we even go over this?" I bombed my first test in Anatomy II and got seriously a 34%! I was like...what test was that???!!! Anyway, I passed the class with a B, so Keep your faith, you'll do OK.

Steph said...

So sorry you're having a crappy day. I've definitely realized that it takes a while to understand how some teachers test so you are able to figure out what to study. Darn it!

Amber said...

I'm sorry Al! I will come over and give you all those things you need! Especially a hug! Just don't stress out. It happens to the best of us when we don't expect it. Just do what you're doing and work hard in class and I think it will even out to a passing grade. And I think by the end of you are getting close to not passing, ask for extra credit. The professors do care (to a point) that you graduate. Anyway, smile and don't stress. Take one day at a time. And call me! We'll go to lunch and you can get it off your chest. Hakuna Matata! LOVE YA!!

Mike, Sha, Kenna, Kate, & Garrett said...

That sucks big time!! Talk to your professor-they are usually pretty soft up there.;)

Kristie said...

I'm so sorry to hear that your day was not good. I'm sure that everything will turn out ok. If I was having some trouble in the class I would sometimes go talk to the teacher to see if they could give me and tips on how to study for there test. It showed them that I really cared and that I was trying. I had some teachers that were really helpful and some that were not. GOOD LUCK!!!!

Kristi said...

That's so sad! I hate it when professors do that to you! At least now you know that you can't just depend on the study guide. Hopefully everyone else bombed it and there will be a curve. Best of luck!

Unknown said...

I don't know what happened... I was reading the other comments then I went to go get a snack. When I came back Lillie was sitting at the computer pressing buttons then it said I deleted my comment. Wierd.

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