Thursday, August 14, 2008

Life is Short

Yesterday was very strange. I felt kind of weird all day, and I just kept getting a feeling. I felt like something was going to happen, but I didn't know what. Every time my 17-year-old brother Adam called my mom's cell or the house I was worried, and I didn't know why. What happened later brought that bad feeling to reality.
Last night I was in my room watching the Olympics like I've done pretty much every night since they started. At around 10:30 my mom came in my room and told me about a phone call she had received from Adam saying he was in a car accident. He was really short on the phone, saying a kid on a bullet bike had ran into him and his friend in their car, but he was fine. Because he had to talk to the police, the phone call ended there. She didn't know if she should go to the scene or not. We talked for a minute and decided she probably should. So I stayed home while she and Amy went to the corner of Hitt and 25th by Porter's where the accident occurred.
At around 11:00 my mom called me to let me know what had happened. It was a lot worse than she had expected. Adam and his friend Jayden (who was driving) were stopped at the red light on 25th getting ready to turn left onto Hitt toward Target when they heard the sound of a bullet bike. The bike was driving at what Adam said sounded like was full throttle, when out of nowhere they were hit from behind. The force of the bike pushed the car about 15 feet into the intersection of Hitt and 25th into on-coming traffic. Thankfully there wasn't enough traffic and they weren't hit by anyone. When the bike hit, the driver was thrown to the side of the car by Adam where he landed. Adam was horrified by the sight of this person that had landed so hard next to them on such hard ground.
A witness called 911 as Adam and Jayden sat by the side of the boy, not knowing what to do next. By the time the police and an ambulance had gotten there my brother and his friend were answering questions, trying to figure out what had happened. Mom and Amy had called me when they were getting the boy placed in the ambulance. They too were able to see the sight of his injuries, and it was hard to take.
Later I received another phone call from Amy giving me the update. The police suggested Adam go to the Emergency Room and get checked. He was in a lot of shock and acting kind of odd, and there was the possiblity of injuries. So Mom and Amy took him to the hospital where the boy had just been taken. Adam's room where he was getting checked was next to the victim's. Amy eventually saw a girl come out of the room that she knew, and soon found out the boy in the accident was a friend of Amy's boyfriend. The girl ended up being the victim's girlfriend. When Amy called me this time I could hear a lot of people crying in the background. It was hard to hear everyone so upset. Amy and Mom had a hard time being there, finding themselves very emotional as well. Before she hung up she let me know the boy's status. He had some brain damage and was put on life support. The doctors didn't know if he would make it.
Adam, Mom, and Amy were home at around 1:30 am. Adam seemed out of it. He was definitely in shock, and traumatized. My parents and I talked till almost 3:00, talking about the victim and his family, and hoping for the best.
We didn't get very much sleep last night. Maybe three hours. When we woke up this morning we received the phone call that the victim, named David and 24 years of age, had passed away. It was a very emotional moment, and I can't imagine how his family is feeling. Our prayers are with them as they are going through this tough time.
I had the strangest feeling all day yesterday, and now I know why. I don't know if the news will be doing a story on this accident. But I wanted to let everyone know what happened and that Adam is ok. He is a little sore this morning, but he'll be fine. My thoughts and prayers are with David's family. This experience has left my family grateful for Adam's safety. It also shows me how we just never know when accidents like this can happen. It is so important to not take life for granted. I love my family so much, and I'm grateful at this time to have them all with me.


Steph said...

Wow! How horrible and scary! I'm so glad Adam is ok.

Camille said...

Hi, Allison! I haven't visited your blog for SO long and just happened on to it today. What a horrible experience to be in. I hope Adam can get over that horrible sight. It would be awful to witness, and be part of something like that, even though it wasn't his fault at all. You are right, though. It really opens your eyes to how fragile life is. It's an eye opener for sure.

On a lighter note; that picture of you and your sisters at the top of your blog is so cute! You are all so beautiful!

Criscell said...

How scary! I'm so glad your brother is okay!

Brad said...

I think you must be pretty in tune with the spirit. Of course warnings are one of the things we will have to deal with, as scary or as unknown as they may be. Happy that your bro's ok, sad about the boy dying :(

Jessica said...

OH my goodness! What a blessing that Adam is ok. It does put life in persepctive when things like this happen, teaching a lesson to all who witness.

Chelsi said...

Yikes! Sorry to hear about the accident. So glad your brother isn't injured. Hope he recovers well...

Kasey said...

I am so glad Adam is okay..physically. Thank you for the reminder of being in tune with the spirit and how important our family is..which we often take for granted! Thanks for my comments! We are super scared but definately excited! Have a happy day! Lataz~Love always, Kasey
Ps..Thanks for the names ;)

Judy said...

What an experience. I am so glad that Adam is ok. I pray for peace for the poor family. What a horrible phone call, any mother's nighmare! Did you check our my memory post. I posted my memories of you!

Baileys said...

That is too scary! I hate motorcycles, Kayson can't have one! I find myself being more paranoid not that I have kids!

Steve and Karissa said...

When Brit told me what happened I couldn't believe it... but I'm so glad Adam isn't hurt! Your family is amazing!

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