I'm doing much better! In fact, we didn't even go to the hospital yesterday ha ha. We were pretty excited about that last night as the day came to an end and we hadn't stepped foot into EIRMC's labor and delivery. And I have to say, I'm embarassed at the pictures on the last post ha ha. What was I thinking!
Sunday night I slept for 4 1/2 hours straight. It was wonderful! Afterward I started having a contraction an hour {that I could feel} from then on. I think I was just exhausted from being up all night both Friday and Saturday night. I started taking the medication Terbutaline when we were at the hospital. It helps with relaxing the muscles that hurt so much during contractions. I am still having contractions but they aren't as painful, thanks to this med of mine. I also started a new antibiotic for the UTI that has seemed to really help. The contractions aren't as painful and they're not regular, most of the time. My mom's side of the family had a family fast for us. It was the coolest thing! We could definitely feel the blessings of that fast. It was great.
We ended up going back to the hospital on Monday morning. I had a scare soon after I got up that sent us frantically packing a bag in case the baby came. When we got there the nurses checked me and found that I hadn't progressed anymore. They were, however, glad I came in. I've had such a crazy last few days that I'm pretty much at risk for anything at this point. Monday I spent at home all day in my pajamas. Mom came over and helped me wash and put away all the baby's clothes. It was so helpful! I couldn't believe how much work that was. She stayed over for a while and helped me clean the fridge and do other things around the house. Amber came over to visit as well. My aunt Lee and her kids Coya and Jason also came over. They brought me some chocolate - so nice! Tyson's mom came over later and brought us Wendy's for dinner. It was so nice of her to do that! We just love our families.
After a good night Sunday I had a long night on Monday. I was getting up constantly from the pain of contractions. I was advised not to take the Trebutaline unless the contractions were 10 minutes apart or less, or if they were as painful as the ones on Saturday night. I'm trying to be careful not to take too many.
Tuesday I spent most of the day lying down reading books, writing in my journal, watching TV, and napping. It was hard not to get other things done! I did fold laundry a little later thought. But I knew the importance of not being too active after going into preterm labor. We don't want this baby coming sooner than he needs to!
I slept great last night. I woke up at at 1:45 and was surprised that I didn't wake up again till the usual time of 7:30. I even checked the bed to make sure I didn't wet it ha ha. I only woke up once to go! Not normal for me at all. It's normally three times a night that I have to get up. But I felt good and didn't feel many contractions at all. I was told at the hospital that a full bladder will also cause contractions when a UTI is present. So I've been very careful about that. I went with Mom to Abbott's in Rigby today. It felt great to get into some regular clothes and leave the house! The fresh air felt great. Afterward we came back to my house and watched "The Time Traveler's Wife."
Since then I've been taking it easy and trying to lay low. The contractions have been around today as well, but completely manageable compared to the ones on Saturday during the day and night. Apparently I get to deal with contractions and other fun things for the rest of this pregnancy. But now that I know how to handle them and what the real and big ones feel like I can rest at ease a little!
I talked to a couple of members of the primary presidency on Sunday. We've decided that I should be done teaching Sunbeams at least until the baby comes. I know it will be the best thing for me, but I'm totally sad about it. I love our calling! I just need to take it easy for a while though.
I'm officially in the first phase of labor. At the hospital they assured us that now I have gone through what I have, delivering the baby shouldn't be long at all. My body has gotten prepared earlier than normal. I can't say I would want this to ever happen this way again, but I am grateful that I'm already getting prepared. Thanks again for all your super sweet comments and phone calls! I just love you all!
Angie's 31st Birthday
Tyson's sister Angie turned 31 on March 23. We had a birthday party for her on Friday night. I love getting together with family!
{I was horrible at taking pictures! The contractions had started Friday and I didn't feel that great. I wasn't on my game at all!}
Erika made a super cute cake in the shape of a purse. She's so talented!
Can you see all the snow outside? I couldn't believe the weather we had!
Tyson's dad getting all the ice cream out - yum! We always have so many options of ice cream at Miller parties. I love it!