Saturday, March 8, 2008

Sometimes I Feel Like This...

Have any of you guys worked in a restaurant and felt like this guy? ha ha
I would love to walk around with a sign like that on my back for a few minutes to get a little bit of a break! I love my job and I love being able to do things other than serving, like bartend or fill in as a manager. I love being able to come home with cash in my hand after every shift but still receive a descent paycheck every two weeks. But sometimes...I just want to scream! My job can be incredibly frustrating sometimes. It is hard when I run my tail off for a table, answering their every beck and call, to find a couple of bucks lying on the table at the end. Especially when their bill was close to $50. And the whole time they're calling me "Excuse Me." I often think that a lot of people don't realize how to tip, so they just leave whatever they feel like on the table. Some people also think we make minimum wage. Wouldn't that be nice! Servers in Idaho actually make about $3.35 an hour, give or take, so they definitely rely on the tips they make. I really shouldn't complain about my job because I love it. But just once I would like to be able to throw that sign on my back and use it like a free spin on "Wheel of Fortune" so I can catch my breath and get caught up on things. Ah, the life of a server!


Boyd Fam said...

I love that sign!!! I know exactly what you mean!! I worked as a server in Montana & I truly believe that everyone should work as a server at least once in their lives so they get a taste of how it feels to have someone leave you practically nothing for a tip & expect you to be gracious!!! GRRR!! It can be so frusterating!! But at the same time it is so fun when you get the table that is so fun & leave a great tip!!

Kate the Great said...

I also know what you mean, because I also have worked as a server. Ever since that experience I tip big. I love the times that I tip larger then my actual if it was only 5 bucks and I give them a $6 tip. Then I look over at my friends receipt (which I know is rude) ..and see their bill was like $12 and they tipped like $1.50.... Jeez people. You are amazing Alli!

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