Tuesday, June 1, 2010


The O'Connor family {minus Amy and Adam} saddled up and headed to Jackson for the day on Saturday. Dad was planning on showing his drift boat that he built in a wood boat show in Teton Village.
It took him three years to build it, and the plan was to spend the day at the boat show.
But the weather changed all of that! It was so rainy in Idaho Falls Saturday morning.
So Dad decided not to bring his boat to the boat show after all.
It was a bummer, but we all still wanted to go to Jackson for the day anyway. It was a lot of fun! And the weather wasn't too bad at all. Just a little drizzly.
{"'Drizzle? We're not naming our baby 'Drizzle.'" - "Glee", anyone?}
Anyway, Brycen did a great job in Jackson. It was his first little vacation and he did really well. He was such a little trooper and was very tired by the end of the day.
When we got to Jackson we had lunch at Snake River Brewing Co.
They gave us a table upstairs so Aaron and Che' had to carry Brycen's stroller up the stairs while Tyson carried him.
Tyson and I shared this beast of a buffalo burger. It was so good!

Tyson, me & Brycen

Amber & Che'

Mom & Dad

Aaron & Britney

Can't go to Jackson without taking a picture under the antler archway!
Me, Tyson & Brycen

Mom & Dad

Che' & Amber

Britney & Aaron

Mom, Aaron & Britney hanging out at the square

Che' & Amber enjoying the awesomeness that is Jackson

I thought I should get a picture with Brycen in it, too.
{He's in the stroller. :)}

On the way home we stopped in Swan Valley for the ever-so-popular square ice cream cones.

Brycen was pretty tired so he and I stayed in the car.
Fun day in Jackson!


Amber said...

Yay! Jackson was so fun! And that's my hand holding the pralines and cream cone! I feel so special ha ha. Glad my nephew could come too! He did so good considering the circumstances. See you later today at the fundraiser! Love you!

Britney O'Connor said...

LOVE all of the pictures, so cute! I'll steal some once I get my computer back :)

Love ya sis!

Unknown said...

I'm glad you had fun there. I think I've driven by those arch antlers about 2,000 times, the pictures bring back memories!

Judy said...

What a fun day!!!!!!

beckywestergard said...

Looks like you guys had a fun time in Jackson, Of course you must stop and get the square ice cream!! Cute pics of little Brycen.

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