Tuesday, May 8, 2012

A Passing Grade

I'm excited to say that I passed my glucola test this morning! I have been really worried about it and trying my best not to eat sugar. Who am I kidding. I've been trying my best not to eat A LOT of sugar.

My appointment was this morning and I felt ready. At about 7:45 I had a piece of toast for breakfast and started getting ready for the day. Then it dawned on me that I just ate something and my blood would be drawn at 10:30. Crap. I never received any special instructions on whether or not I should fast for a few hours before my appointment. But I remembered back to when I did the test with Brycen and I was told not to eat anything three hours before the drink. I needed to have the drink at 9:30-less than two hours away. Crap again. I thought for sure I had messed up my test results and I was so mad.

I got to my appointment dreading the test. I got to see Dr. Lister and she was awesome as always. She answered the questions I had, listened to the baby's heart (which was awesome and perfect and all of those other great words), and she measured my stomach. Everything looks and sounds really well and right on track. She also gave me a sheet with information regarding preterm labor signs. Where Brycen was a preterm baby, she wants me to be extra cautious that I know when to go to the hospital if it happens again. We're praying that this little guy stays in longer! So far so good with everything. I have had a few contractions here and there, but nothing out of the ordinary. By this time, Dr. Lister says, I will be having "regular irregular contractions" and I just need to monitor what's happening. It's amazing to think that we're already this far. I'm getting so excited yet so nervous!

At almost 10:30 the nurse came in to take my blood. I told her about my breakfast error and she wasn't concerned. She said if I had put jam on the top of my toast that could affect my results. But I didn't, so I should be fine. Yay! However, that didn't mean I was out of the woods for gestational diabetes. She did the blood work (Which was the best experience I've ever had getting blood drawn, by the way. I barely felt the needle.) and told me that they would call me today if I needed to go in for the three hour test. And I didn't hear from anybody! Woo hoo! I'm so excited about that. What a relief. We celebrated by making some cookies tonight. What better way to celebrate passing a glucola test than with sugar! They were wonderfully delicious.

Keyword being "were."


Laura Railing said...

Ewwwh those tests are the worst!!!! Did you have to drink the liquid or eat jellybeans for it? I did for my first pregnancy (the jellybeans) and it was NASTY! I mean, I like jellybeans and all but really. Eating like 10 of them in a minute isn't my thing. Tests in general are not my thing! YAY YAY YAY for everything looking ok though!!!! Cookies sound like a fabulous way to celebrate!! ;-) (haha WERE good lol. Sounds like the rate I'd enjoy them at!)

Unknown said...

I laughed like, 3 times this post. Yay for passing!

Katie Lee said...

haha... hilarious. So glad you passed. That is always my worst! So excited for you to be having number 2. Hope you are comfortable for the remainder of your pregnancy! :)

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