Tuesday, September 11, 2012

How Do I Pick Just One?

Yesterday I decided to actually read my last blog post and wow, were there a lot of typos! That seems to be how blogging is for me these days. I don't have time to proofread so I publish what I have. I thought about going in and editing, but seeing as how this is how life is these days I thought I'd just leave it. Hopefully I'll be more aware this time around!

When Brycen was born I decided to take a picture each month to show how much he changes. He's only in a diaper in these pictures and almost all are taken in our checkered chair. I started doing the same thing with Carter after he was born. He turned 3 months old on September 2nd and just got to taking his pictures yesterday. When Carter was born eight weeks early the doctors told us to expect him to start doing things a lot slower than the average baby. This included smiling. The average baby smiles between six and eight weeks. We were thrilled when he smiled at us for the first time on August 18th-age 2 1/2 months. He smiled at Tyson while he was holding him, then he smiled at me the next day. It was wonderful and it melted my heart! He slowly started smiling more, then yesterday he went full throttle. I propped him up on the chair, put my camera to my eye, smiled at him, and this happened:

It was the best!! Can't help but smile at this, right? Just when I thought I'd gotten THE picture, all of this happened:

Talk about make me cry! It was such a fun moment. And now, here I am wondering what picture I should choose to represent Carter at three months old in his book. I looked at the folder of Brycen when I did his three-month pictures and I took 47 before getting one where he somewhat smiled. And just for fun, here is one of Brycen at three months old:

My sweet babes! Recently I was looking through the book Dustin and Erika made for Tyson's mom for Mother's Day and saw a picture of his sister, Tacie, that I think looks a lot like Carter. Here's a side-by-side shot of the two of them. This picture of her solved the mystery of where he got the big eyes, I think! He looks a lot like her. Even their chins are the same!



Britney O'Connor said...

Oh my gosh- his rolls are DELISH!!!! And so are the dimples, ah! Love that squish!

MeganandClaudy said...

love those dimples!!! you can't even tell he was a premie! (sp?)

Amber said...

Oh my goodness these are the best! Look at those amazing dimples! I'm so glad you were able to get these sweet smiles. Love that Carter boy :)

Steph said...

Yes, what amazing dimples! He's a cutie and sure seems to be doing great!

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