Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Last Night's FHE: Appreciating Music

Normally for family home evening Tyson and I end up discussing a topic and making it about us. Brycen has no idea what is going on. He is getting older now and starting to understand more so we decided to start holding family home evenings for him and focusing everything on him.

I've always been overwhelmed at the idea of planning a family home evening around a child, even though it sounds really fun to do. When I came up with this outline for last night I decided I would share for any other parents who are in the same boat, unsure of what to do for these family home evenings. So here's what I did!

First I discovered the Family Home Evening resource page on the Church website. Wow, that is a huge help! Not sure why I didn't look here before. This page has lessons by topic, activity ideas, videos, music, and many more other helpful resources.

I clicked on the Lessons by Topic tab and decided to start from the beginning with "Appreciating Music". After clicking the topic I found a whole list of articles, lesson ideas, a picture kit, etc. to help me prepare. Since Brycen is still pretty young I decided to go with the story from the Friend listed in the articles titled "Service with a Song" (found here). It was a short and very sweet story about a three year old singing good music at a rest home. Very cute.

When it came time for the lesson, I read the story then I had Tyson read two scriptures: D&C 25:12 and D&C 138:24. We talked to Brycen about how good music is important and what those scriptures mean. Brycen loves music so it was fun talking to him about it.

The activity for the evening was a coloring picture for Brycen:

"Music Makes Me Happy" coloring page found here

And for dessert we had Cake Batter Blondies. You can get the delicious recipe here!

And that was our family home evening! I hope this was helpful for anyone who is like me and trying to get into the groove of teaching the little ones. :)


Judy said...

You go girl! That is so cute

Kristie said...

Thats awesome!! I loved using the nursery book that the church has. It helped us with Mason. They were short and great!!!

Rachel said...

This is exactly what I needed. I was just struggling this last week with Family Home Evening, thanks for the great tips!

Amber said...

That's a cute lesson idea. I especially loved the dessert part...oh my I pinned that so fast ha ha!

Unknown said...

I love that church resource! Our FHE's are about 10 minutes long (tops) because that's all the attention spans of 2 and 4 year olds can handle at our house.
I bought the new Nursery manuel at D.Book for like, 4 dollars. It has color pictures, activities, crafts, stories, scriptures, songs, etc. for each lesson. It's a very similar to the Lds.org FHE resources. I use that sometimes, too.

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