Monday, December 20, 2010

A Few Notes About Our Little Man

I wanted to make note of a few things about this little guy.

  • He screams for a bottle like I did when I was a baby.
  • A few minutes ago he was fussy and I knew it was about time for his morning nap. So I turned on the TV and "Mickey Mouse Clubhouse" was on. Brycen was crying by this time, then pretty soon the hot dog song dance came on. When he heard it he turned his head toward the TV and just smiled. And he didn't stop smiling. When the song was over he fell asleep. Thank you, hot dog dance!
  • Yesterday was such a crazy day for us! Tyson had meetings in the morning, and we had a whole bunch of things to bake and make for a party yesterday night and one tonight. We had church at 1:00 so that was good. I was running a little late getting ready. We had about 20 minutes till we had to leave and I was just getting my hair dried. Tyson went in to change Brycen when pretty soon through the loud noise of the blow dryer I could hear Tyson yelling, "No! No!" I turned off the dryer to find Brycen on his changing table in a puddle of pee. And there was pee all over the table on both sides of the mat. He had started going while Tyson was changing him, and Tyson had to use his hand to block it because he hadn't gotten a diaper out yet. It had sprayed EVERYWHERE. Even on the wall. Boys will be boys! Needless to say, Brycen was pretty gross. His hair and entire back were soaking wet. So I went in to turn the bath on and we gave him a quick bath before church. And we even left to church when we wanted to after all of that!
  • Last night he opened his first Christmas present. It was from my parents and they gave him a whole bunch of clothes. They are all so cute! He really needs clothes right now. He sure did love that paper.


Kasey said...

How fun Alli!! here's what I do so I don't forget the fun little things like that! I have a journal for each of my kids. Each night I write..or try and write..about something they learned or did for the first time or even just something funny or sweet..just a good memory from that day. It not only helps me remember those fun things but it helps me reflect upon the good of being a mom and not the stressful, irritating parts of it!

Unknown said...

Ah hahaha! I think I'm the luckiest mom ever because Jack has NEVER peed on me, ever!! And actually, the only incident that he did was one time when Julie changed his diaper. I felt so bad for her.
I HATE that hot dog dance song SOOOOOO much! I want to punch the TV every time I hear it. I can't wait to see Brycen again!

Jeff & Ashlee Olsen & Family said...

Everyone has a pee story like that, except me! Preston never did anything like that & I'm so thankful! You have to love Sundays, it seems like everything that could go wrong, usually does when you're trying to get out of the house!

Britney O'Connor said...

Nothing is better than those thighs...or his little laugh! Love that little man!

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